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Welcoming the New Year! January 4, 2010

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Good bye to 2009 and Welcome to 2010

We sure said Good Bye to 2009 with a fanfare!  A Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse on the last day of the year!  Energetically, an event of great significance.  A blue moon only happens once every two and a half years. It was a very auspicious time to release all that no longer serves us and initiating the manifestation of all that we desire.  I received emails right and left, and of course I forwarded many of them, with formulas to engage all the auspicious energies to strengthen our intentions.  I welcomed the New Year with meditations and ceremonies connecting with Source – the All, in company of my beloved husband.  I can say with certainty that this was my best New Year’s celebration ever!  I am excited about the New Year especially after we received such support from Our Creator in order to strengthen all our energetic manifestations.  Our connection to Our Creator at this time is of utmost importance.  As we recognize Our Creator, the Source of All within us, we too can recognize that, because we are ONE with Source, we can achieve anything we desire.

As we enter this new year of possibilities, let us not get stuck on the “how”.  During my studies of the Law of Attraction I learned that the “how” is none of our business, instead, let us focus on the feelings we experience as we see ourselves achieving that which we desire.  Since the energy from our heart is thousands of times greater that the power of our minds, our feelings override anything our mind or mental blocks may be telling us.  We attract what we focus on, therefore, focusing on the outcome of our desires will bring them into manifestation!

Happy New Year!

Alex Ruiz-Vasquez

Transformational Life Coach, Animal Communicator, Toe/Soul Reader,
EMF Balancing Technique Practitioner/Supervisory Teacher,
Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Energy Worker


THE BEGINNING October 15, 2009

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Publishing my blog has been more than an adventure.  I was very nervous and was guided to do a lot of energetic releasing of old blocks and belief patterns.  Why would finally publishing my blog be such a great deal?  Why would it create such anxiety?  Such fear?  It has taken me months to finally get here.  I first thought – I do not know how to do it…I will have to take a class. I asked the Universe, by using the Law of Attraction, for reasonably priced classes to create a blog and a website.  I specified that I did not want to take a class at the Jr. College level.  Well, one day as I looked at several magazines gifted to me, I saw one in particular.  I was not sure what it was but I opened it.  As I scanned the page I noticed that it was a Parks and Recreations catalogue with their class schedule.  And then…I saw this particular class that “someone” had circled – “How to create your own blog”. Across from it there was another class – “How to create your own website”!  Needless to say, I was speechless, in awe…Do you get my point?  I could not believe it!  Right there was exactly what I had requested.  Well, there were not enough people that registered to learn to create the blog but my DH and I were able to take the basic and advanced website class.  How fun!

Well, you would think that after this adventure I would be ready to create my blog.  Well, not.  It did not occur yet.  For some reason I would not even open the resources I was given in order to figure out how to do it.  It appeared I was petrified!  During my Life Coaching class I talked about my ordeal.  I was challenged to create a blog in the school’s community site.  I did.  It was fun, but, I still could not do it at large.  Finally a friend was kind enough to walk me through the process.  I still did not follow through for a couple of weeks, yet.  What in the world was keeping me from this process?  What is the FEAR?

Aha, fear of the unknown! Looking back, this has been a recurring opportunity for exploration throughout my life.  I notice this opportunity primarily while driving.  I remember once driving at night with a friend.  We were driving out in the middle of nowhere.  There were no lights.  It was pitch dark.  Once in awhile oncoming traffic would pass by.  But only once in awhile.  I was driving about 15 miles/hr or less.  Finally my friend got very impatient and complained that I was driving too slowly and at this rate we would never get to our destination.  I sheepishly explained that I could not drive faster because I did not know what was ahead of us.  Would there be a road?  Would it continue straight or would it turn?  What if I did not notice the turn?  My exasperated friend replied that if there were cars coming this way that meant that there was a road ahead.  They had to come from somewhere.  The road goes somewhere…etc.  I started driving a little faster but, believe me, not much.  For years I had that fear and I continued to reassure myself by repeating my frustrated friend’s statements.  “The cars have to come from somewhere, they have to come from somewhere!”  I do not remember when that fear finally stopped but, fortunately for me and those driving with me, I do not have that fear any more.  I also used to have that fear while driving up a hill.  What is on the other side?  I would wonder.  What if the oncoming traffic does not stay on its lane?  Oh, my, oh, my.  Believe me, this is no fun!

I am so fortunate that I have learned a variety of techniques to assist me to discover my emotional blocks and then to release them!  Some of them are very, very ingrained and have taken a lot of persistence.  Some of these fears are generational, so they may take even longer to clear.  What I remind myself is what I usually remind my clients about…what we are doing when we are clearing an emotional and cellular block is re-patterning our neurological connections, our cellular and DNA memories.  It takes persistence, trust and a willingness to go through this process.  Sometimes the process is longer because many times there are several layers to each issue.  We may be re-patterning one issue and another one shows up, then another one, and another one, until finally it seems to end.  After awhile, though, another related issue may show up and have to again start the process or, if we are lucky, we may really be finished with that one and move on to another one.

The marvelous thing about it all is that we live in marvelous times when we are going through energetic changes.  Now, instead of years to clear an issue up, it may take weeks, days, sometimes hours, and even sometimes minutes or…instantaneously.  What a blessing!   In my late 20’s and most of my 30’s I went for counseling.  It took me years to finally clear a lot of my issues.  What a difference!  Having been there, done that, I know that now it really does not take that much work.  The veil is thinner now.  With the help of Source, Our Heavenly Father/Mother and all the Universal Beings that are ready to help us with our asking, we can make these shifts easier than before.

With a very grateful heart I thank The Universe for the blessing of being alive at this time and for having given me the opportunity to learn what I have learned not only for myself, but also to inspire and support others who are also ready for the SHIFT!  For their spiritual evolution!

May you continue to enjoy your blessings and your opportunities for your spiritual evolution!

Until next time!

Alex Ruiz-Vasquez

Transformational Life Coach, Animal Communicator, Toe/Soul Reader,
EMF Balancing Technique Practitioner/Supervisory Teacher,
Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Energy Worker
